Mission & Vission

      The mission of RBS Public School is to hamess the hidden potential and core competencies of the young minds by sowing the seed of intellect and human values. Using practice and pedagogy comparable to the best available in the world. Committed excellence and innovation, we can focus on the holistic development of young minds by providing nourishing emotional stability and strength of character to make them productive creative and talented citizens of the world.

  • Laying a sound foundation in the core subjects.
  • Assessment based on competition with oneself, not with others.
  • Hands-on interactive learning.
  • Multiple intelligence.
  • Greater use of peer learning and correction.
  • To provide a disciplined and healthy environment to students.
  • To provide students a respectable and safe multi-cultural environment so that they can assimilate personal, social and environment-related responsibilities.
  • Providing a state-of-the-art classroom facility for easy understanding of learning.
  • Personalized learning.
  • Constructivism.
  • Learning without cramming.
  • Inculcating discipline without fear.
  • Making every child IT native.
  • Developing life skills.
  • Developing self-esteem & confidence in each child.
  • Creating a generation with high characteristic qualities that can create their own destiny.
  • Encourage a community that can become a full guardian in the future.
  • Improving their academic achievements while overseeing students' health and physical abilities.
  • MB Plan

         Every child is born with multiple intelligences. Children have natural eagerness to hone as many skills and reach as many artistic boundaries as they can. The limit is how many opportunities they are provide with and how many experiences are made open to them, Magnetic batch is intellectually, athletically and artistically stimulating program Special designed to touch tap the train the children's multiple intelligence. It is specially programed to inspire holistic learning and encourage multiple skills.